Rheinmetall Expal Munitions (REM) develops, manufactures, integrates and maintains a complete range of high-performance products, systems and services to meet the current and future needs of Air, Land and Sea Armed Forces.

We are a trusted ally in over 60 countries adding safety, precision and advanced systems to any mission. REM’s offer includes: weapons systems, ammunition and propellants, technological systems and applications, aeronautical systems maintenance services.

Rheinmetall Expal Munitions (REM) develops, manufactures, integrates and maintains a complete range of high-performance products, systems and services to meet the current and future needs of Air, Land and Sea Armed Forces.

We are a trusted ally in over 60 countries adding safety, precision and advanced systems to any mission. REM’s offer includes: weapons systems, ammunition and propellants, technological systems and applications, aeronautical systems maintenance services.

André Ibañez 

Avda. del Partenon 16-18.

28042 Madrid / Spain

+34 672 602 469 



André Ibañez 

Head of Marketing, Communications & Events.

Rheinmetall Expal Munitions 

Avda. del Partenon 16-18.

28042 Madrid / Spain

Móvil / Mobile +34 672 602 469 






Weapons & ammunition, vehicle systems, electronics solutions.

Weapons & ammunition, vehicle systems, electronics solutions.

Main projects

Main projects

• SILAM Program ESTRA Program
• Multioption Fuze Development Project.

• SILAM Program ESTRA Program
• Multioption Fuze Development Project.

Business contact details

Business contact details

Business contact details