NVLS the only company that designs and manufactures night vision equipment in Spain.

NVLS specializes in developing ultra compact, ultra lightweight, and highly durable systems, with an expanded field of view, for ground forces, aviators, and

amphibious operators.

These devices have been incorporated as standard equipment in the

Armed Forces and Security Forces of Spain. Export activities, initiated in 2008, represent more than 50% of annual turnover.

NVLS the only company that designs and manufactures night vision equipment in Spain.

NVLS specializes in developing ultra compact, ultra light, and high

resistance systems, with expanded field of view, for ground forces, aviators, and

amphibious operators.

These devices have been incorporated as standard equipment in the

Armed Forces and Security Forces of Spain. Export activities, initiated in 2008, account for more than 50% of annual revenue.

Visión nocturna Láseres España S.L


(+34) 91 381 06 00

Calle de los Aragoneses 3 Bis, 28108, Alcobendas, Madrid, Spain.


Commercial contact data

Commercial contact data




Wide field of view night vision equipment, thermal vision equipment and multisensor equipment.

Wide field of view night vision equipment, thermal vision equipment and multisensor equipment.

Technological capabilities

Technological capabilities

As a leading company in its sector NVLS has the most advanced machinery (CNC lathe automatic bar feed and CNC 5 axis; 3D printing), cutting edge software and the most advanced technology available for the manufacture of night vision equipment, thermal, laser systems and tactical equipment and accessories. As a result, NVLS is the only global company to offer wide field of view night vision devices.

As a leading company in its sector, NVLS has the most advanced machinery (CNC automatic bar feed and 5-axis CNC lathe; 3D printing), state-of-the-art software, and the most advanced technology available for the

manufacture of night vision, thermal vision equipment, laser systems, and tactical equipment and accessories.
As a result, NVLS is the only global company to offer

extended field of view night vision devices.

Main projects

Main projects

• Supply of extended field night vision binoculars for the German Special Forces (KSK).

• Projects with NSPA.
• Participation in various projects in Central and Northern European countries, Baltic countries as well as the Mediterranean basin.
• Supply of extended field of view night vision binoculars for the South Korean Special Forces.
• Supply of 600 wide field of view night vision monocular devices in Kuwait.
• Supply of 112 sets of extended field of view night vision monocular sets in Thailand.
• Participation in various projects in Asian countries such as: Malaysia,Thailand, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Kuwait, Singapore.

Supply of wide field night vision binocular equipment for the Special Forces of Germany (KSK).

Projects with NSPA

Participation in various projects in Central and Northern European countries,

Baltic, as well as the Mediterranean basin.

Supply of wide field binocular vision equipment from South Korea Supply of 300 sets of wide field monocular night vision equipment

in binocular configuration in Kuwait

Supply of 112 sets of wide field monocular night vision equipment in Thailand. Participation in various projects in Asian countries such as: Malaysia,Thailand, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Kuwait , Singapore