• SERT is a family of versatile systems that provide the vehicle with ISR capabilities (Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance). The flexibility of these systems allows them to adapt to any type of vehicle and mission, such as:

• Battlefield exploration, surveillance, and reconnaissance mission with target acquisition capability (Detection, Identification, and Localization)

• Observation and management mission for mortar, artillery, and aerial fire support

• Intelligence mission, through the acquisition, classification, and processing of battlefield images

• Border control mission

• SERT is a family of versatile systems that provide the vehicle with ISR capabilities (Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance). The flexibility of these systems allows them to adapt to any type of vehicle and mission, such as:

• Battlefield exploration, surveillance, and reconnaissance mission with target acquisition capability (Detection, Identification, and Localization)

• Observation and management mission for mortar, artillery, and aerial fire support

• Intelligence mission, through the acquisition, classification, and processing of battlefield images

• Border control mission

Navantia S.A. S.M.E.

Calle Velázquez, 132. Madrid


913 35 84 00

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Development of new technologies applied to the defense sector

Development of new technologies applied to the defense sector

Technological capabilities

Technological capabilities

• Integrable with existing client systems without compromising mission requirements

• Ability to operate in low or no visibility conditions (visible and infrared).

• Precision in self-positioning and positioning of objects of interest on the battlefield with location on map substrate.

• Integration of different sub-systems with each other and with the Battlefield Management System, which enables full integration with the Unit and the Command and Control Post.

Currently, different versions are available (Advanced Artillery Observer, Cavalry Scout, Intelligence, Border Surveillance) that can be integrated on any platform (tracks, wheels, ...).

• Integrable with existing client systems without compromising mission requirements

• Ability to operate in low or no visibility conditions (visible and infrared).

• Precision in self-positioning and positioning of objects of interest on the battlefield with location on map substrate.

• Integration of different sub-systems with each other and with the Battlefield Management System, which enables full integration with the Unit and the Command and Control Post.

Currently, different versions are available (Advanced Artillery Observer, Cavalry Scout, Intelligence, Border Surveillance) that can be integrated on any platform (tracks, wheels, ...).

Main projects

Main projects

• Radar and Electro-Optical (REO) battlefield scanning and target locating system

• Integrated self-protection system

• Night navigation and driving aid system

• Battlefield Management System (BMS)

• Radar and Electro-Optical (REO) battlefield scanning and target locating system

• Integrated self-protection system

• Night navigation and driving aid system

• Battlefield Management System (BMS)