Marine Instruments is a company focused on the development and manufacture of technology adapted to the marine environment and focused on the promotion of smart oceans and sustainable fishing. Since its inception in 2003, it has experienced steady growth, positioning itself in less than a decade as the world's leading manufacturer of tuna satellite buoys, with a presence in more than 30 countries.

In recent years, the company has embarked on a strong diversification strategy, designing innovative products for other vertical markets, such as Aquaculture with the MASS, an intelligent feeding system for shrimp; or Security & Defense with the M5D-Airfox, a fixed-wing solar UAV.

Marine Instruments is a company focused on the development and manufacture of technology adapted to the marine environment and focused on the promotion of smart oceans and sustainable fishing. Since its inception in 2003, it has experienced steady growth, positioning itself in less than a decade as the world's leading manufacturer of tuna satellite buoys, with a presence in more than 30 countries.

In recent years, the company has embarked on a strong diversification strategy, designing innovative products for other vertical markets, such as Aquaculture with the MASS, an intelligent feeding system for shrimp; or Security & Defense with the M5D-Airfox, a fixed-wing solar UAV.

Javier Gravalos

+34 679 769 690

Rúa dos Padróns 4 (Vial 3)

P.E. Porto de Molle

36350 Nigrán, Spain

Business contact details

Business contact details




Security and defence, fisheries and aquaculture.

Security and defence, fisheries and aquaculture.

Technological capabilities

Technological capabilities

45% of the company's employees belong to the R&D department, in which 10% of annual profits are invested. Marine Instruments focuses on certain technological levers transversal to the organisation, such as acoustic sensors, Artificial Intelligence, satellite connectivity and systems integration, which encompasses the rest of the levers.

45% of the company's employees belong to the R&D department, in which 10% of annual profits are invested. Marine Instruments focuses on certain technological levers transversal to the organisation, such as acoustic sensors, Artificial Intelligence, satellite connectivity and systems integration, which encompasses the rest of the levers.

Main projects

Main projects

The M5D-Airfox is an unmanned, solar-powered aircraft. It is specifically designed to operate from naval platforms and in maritime environments for surveillance and security work.

  • To date, the M5D-Airfox has participated in the following ISR exercises and missions:

  • RAPAZ PROGRAM of the Spanish Ministry of Defense.

  • Dynamic Messenger exercises organized by NATO.

  • REPMUS exercises organized by the Portuguese Navy.

  • Operational deployments on board several ships of the Spanish Navy (MCM), Coast Guard (Illegal Immigration) and Customs.


International exercises IMX'22

  • Cutlass Express 2022 by direct invitation of the US Navy.

  • MINEX-22 exercises organized by the Navy.

  • MARSEC and FLOTEX23 exercises.

  • Deployment with the Navy for anti-piracy surveillance in the Gulf of Guinea.

  • General Secretariat of Fisheries contract for fishing surveillance along the entire national coast.

The M5D-Airfox has participated in the following programs:

RAPAZ PROGRAM of the Spanish Ministry of Defense

Dynamic Messenger exercises organized by NATO

REPMUS exercises organized by the Portuguese Navy

Operational deployments aboard several ships of the Spanish Navy (MCM), Coast Guard (Illegal Immigration), and Customs.

International exercises IMX’22 – Cutlass Express 2022 by direct invitation from the US Navy

MINEX-22 and FLOTEX23 exercises

Contract from the General Secretariat of Fisheries for fishing surveillance along the national coast